Stall and Set Designs

Stall / Set Design up-to 2010

I got "best stall design award 2010" for IIT POINT at Nagpur 

My first Open ground event of singing program "Ekada ye sakhe" at Nagpur (2010)

This stall design got 2nd prize for "Innovative design" at CompEx 2010 Nagpur

In Pune

Stage Design for Kunal Ganjavala Suverna Night (2011)

Stage Design for tete-e-tete with Pune Warriors Team (2012)

Stage Design for Women Summit 2012

Gate 1 for Shravan Sohala 2011

Gate 2 for Shravan Sohala 2011

Brand wall for Women Summit 2012

Stage Design for Vaishali Samant's Musical Night @ Pune(Dec.2012)

Stage Design for Women Summit 2013

Icons of Pune- Business 2012

                                           Icons of Pune- Political 2013
Icons of Pune-Women 2016 - LED Graphics
 Icons of Pune-Women 2016 - LED Graphics
 Sakhi Sanman Award 2016 - LED Graphics